Somatic Therapy and Coaching

Returning to the body to remember the deep well of inner resources, guidance, and knowing that resides within us.
Reclaim Your Wholeness

The essence of Soma Wisdom stirs in us the ancient remembering of the Truth that all that we have been seeking outside of ourselves can be found in connecting with the wholeness of our being, our Soma. There awaits within us a deep well of inner resources, guidance, and knowing.
Serving California and Worldwide
Somatic Therapy & Coaching
Individual somatic therapy and coaching for the person who has been on a healing journey and is ready to deepen into their healing through turning towards the body and cultivating intimacy with their inner terrain.
*This offering is provided as 60-minute sessions at a frequency that fits your needs (weekly, biweekly, etc.).
Somatics to Support You in:
- Cultivating a felt sense of safety in your body.
- Discharging stored survival energy to move your system out of fixity and into its natural state of flexibility and fluidity.
- Growing your capacity to be with and hold intense emotions and sensations (widening your window of tolerance).
- Learning to inhabit your witness so as to not become flooded by your experiences nor suppress them, which allows the energy to follow its natural course toward discharge (rise, peak, fall).
- Reclaiming the source of your inner knowing and connection to the interconnectedness of all of Life.
Parts Work to Support You in:
- Cultivating a relationship with the parts of yourself that you have disowned, exiled or made wrong and bad.
- Seeing your parts as protective and adaptive in order to shift your relationship from that of shame to that of acceptance and even gratitude and reverence.
- Remembering that bringing into conscious awareness that which has been unconscious allows us the opportunity for choice, which returns us to our power.
- Developing a relationship with the wounded, often young parts of yourself so that you can begin to show up for these parts and yourself in the ways that you didn’t receive as a child.
- Reconnecting with your essential Self, who has been holding all of the parts that have become fragmented through conditioning and wounding.
Attachment Repatterning to support you in:
- Discovering the way in which early attachment experiences linger in your body, not just as stories but as embodied ways of being.
- Seeing present day relational patterns as an expression of early adaptations to unmet needs and the biological impulse to survive.
- Bringing compassion to the ways in which you have learned to keep yourself safe in the context of relationships.
- Learning to identify the protective responses (activation-fight/flight, immobility-collapse/freeze) that underpin our attachment patterning.
- Growing your capacity to experience a felt sense of safety in the context of the relationship with yourself.
Serving California and Worldwide
Somatic Therapy & Coaching
Individual somatic therapy and coaching for the person who has been on a healing journey and is ready to deepen into their healing through turning towards the body and cultivating intimacy with their inner terrain.
*This offering is provided as 60-minute sessions at a frequency that fits your needs (weekly, biweekly, etc.).
Somatics to Support You in:
- Cultivating a felt sense of safety in your body.
- Discharging stored survival energy to move your system out of fixity and into its natural state of flexibility and fluidity.
- Growing your capacity to be with and hold intense emotions and sensations (widening your window of tolerance).
- Learning to inhabit your witness so as to not become flooded by your experiences nor suppress them, which allows the energy to follow its natural course toward discharge (rise, peak, fall).
- Reclaiming the source of your inner knowing and connection to the interconnectedness of all of Life.
Parts Work to Support You in:
- Cultivating a relationship with the parts of yourself that you have disowned, exiled or made wrong and bad.
- Seeing your parts as protective and adaptive in order to shift your relationship from that of shame to that of acceptance and even gratitude and reverence.
- Remembering that bringing into conscious awareness that which has been unconscious allows us the opportunity for choice, which returns us to our power.
- Developing a relationship with the wounded, often young parts of yourself so that you can begin to show up for these parts and yourself in the ways that you didn’t receive as a child.
- Reconnecting with your essential Self, who has been holding all of the parts that have become fragmented through conditioning and wounding.
Attachment Repatterning to support you in:
- Discovering the way in which early attachment experiences linger in your body, not just as stories but as embodied ways of being.
- Seeing present day relational patterns as an expression of early adaptations to unmet needs and the biological impulse to survive.
- Bringing compassion to the ways in which you have learned to keep yourself safe in the context of relationships.
- Learning to identify the protective responses (activation-fight/flight, immobility-collapse/freeze) that underpin our attachment patterning.
- Growing your capacity to experience a felt sense of safety in the context of the relationship with yourself.
Private Mentorship
Private mentorship is an immersive and intimate, high touch container for the woman who is fiercely devoted to her liberation, the reclamation of her wild feminine spirit and remembering her innate wholeness.

Step deeper into the mystery of your own evolution

Deepen your intimacy with your body, soul and Life itself

Cultivate the life you desire by growing your capacity to receive

Align yourself with your natural rhythms and cycles

Reclaim your birthright to feel vibrant, alive, and empowered
Three Month Mentorship
What you will receive:
- 12 Virtual Somatic Coaching Sessions
- Up to 90 Mins. Per Session
- Up to 4 Sessions Per Month
- 3 Months Unlimited Voice Messaging
- Bonus Calls as Needed
Six Month Mentorship
What you will receive:
- 24 Virtual Somatic Coaching Sessions
- Up to 90 Mins. Per Session
- Up to 4 Sessions Per Month
- 6 Months Unlimited Voice Messaging
- Bonus Calls as Needed
About Me
Hello, I am Michelle Montejano and I am delighted you are here. Soma Wisdom was born through my own journey walking the evolutionary path. It is a path that goes by many names, the pathless path, the path of awakening, the spiral path and yet it is ultimately nameless and only truly known to the one who walks it. I have come to know this path as holding duality and paradox, which can only be known through coming down into the body to be felt and sensed rather than understood. I have come to know it as a journey of healing and reclamation, death and rebirth, stillness and movement, feeling deeply and wholly, tenderness and mystifying strength, seeking and trusting, and unlearning, forgetting, and then remembering again.
Though my journey will not be yours, there is a sacred universality to the human experience. It is my greatest privilege to walk alongside those who have been hearing the whispers of their own Soul calling them back home to the Truth of who they are.
My Background and Experience
In addition to my personal inner work and devotion to my evolution, I am a trauma-trained psychotherapist and coach and draw upon my experience with and in-depth study of the following fields: trauma-informed neuroscience, somatic healing including Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal Theory, developmental psychology and human growth, depth psychology, parts work and shadow work, Inner Child healing/reparenting, masculine-feminine polarity teachings and the Wild Woman archetype.
We are Nature
As cyclical beings, we are meant to traverse the full range of our natural rhythms: death and decay, regression, stillness, rebirth, renewal and growth.
We are Wired for Connection
When we are born, we do not come in with a fully developed nervous system. We are entirely dependent on our attachment figures to soothe us.
My Ethos
The Body is a Portal for Healing, Transformation, and Awakening
As a collective we have lost connection with the body, thus the modern human is disconnected from our deepest source of Truth.
Our Patterns are Intelligent Adaptations
Our patterns are always rooted in the biological impulse to survive. There is a profound shift that occurs when we relate to our ways of being as wise.
My Ethos
We are Nature
As cyclical beings, we are meant to traverse the full range of our natural rhythms: death and decay, regression, stillness, rebirth, renewal and growth.
We are Wired for Connection
When we are born, we do not come in with a fully developed nervous system. We are entirely dependent on our attachment figures to soothe us.
The Body is a Portal for Healing, Transformation, and Awakening
As a collective we have lost connection with the body, thus the modern human is disconnected from our deepest source of Truth.
Our Patterns are Intelligent Adaptations
Our patterns are always rooted in the biological impulse to survive. There is a profound shift that occurs when we relate to our ways of being as wise.
The Essence of Healing
The word healing comes from heal which means “to make sound or whole” and stems from the root, haelan, the condition or state of being hal, whole. Today, however, there is an implication that healing is a matter of eliminating, excising, or fixing. We have forgotten that healing is actually a matter of returning us to our wholeness, which encompasses all of it: searing pain and exquisite pleasure, profound grief and unbounded joy, immense fear and sublime wonder.
Our tendency as humans is to either become consumed by our emotional and somatic experience, that is to say to become flooded and overwhelmed to the extent that we lose contact with our Self or to turn away from or disconnect from it effectively shutting it down. But there is another way: we can turn toward our experience (emotions and sensations) and be with it. In “being with,” we stay tethered to ourselves as the witnessing presence and we cultivate the capacity to feel and experience all that we are designed to feel and experience.
True healing is not the eradication of pain. True healing is growing our capacity to hold it and to feel it without losing ourselves or suppressing it. My commitment to you is that I will not attempt to “rescue” you from your pain nor will I guide you in learning ways to distance yourself from your pain. My commitment to you is that I will sit with you in your pain for as long as you need and guide you in cultivating your capacity to actually allow yourself to feel it all, fully and completely.
Michelle beautifully weaves together the wisdom of ancient practices with a deep, experienced understanding of somatic therapy and neuroscience, creating a safe space for profound self-discovery and healing.
I finally have come home to myself through working with Michelle. I have a deep trust in life now because she has helped guide me to meet myself in each moment and be with everything that arises.
I have learned how to trust myself, listen to my nervous system and look at myself with compassion instead of judgment.
Contact Michelle Montejano
To explore the offering that is most aligned with you, please fill out the contact form or reach out via phone or email.
Somatic Therapy is offered in California and Somatic Coaching is offered worldwide.
Phone: 858.353.1972 • Email: