Somatic Therapy and Coaching

Returning to the body to remember the deep well of inner resources, guidance, and knowing that resides within us.

About Me

Hello, I am Michelle Montejano and I am delighted you are here. Soma Wisdom was born through my own journey walking the evolutionary path. It is a path that goes by many names, the pathless path, the path of awakening, the spiral path and yet it is ultimately nameless and only truly known to the one who walks it. I have come to know this path as holding duality and paradox, which can only be known through coming down into the body to be felt and sensed rather than understood. I have come to know it as a journey of healing and reclamation, death and rebirth, stillness and movement, feeling deeply and wholly, tenderness and mystifying strength, seeking and trusting, and unlearning, forgetting, and then remembering again.


Though my journey will not be yours, there is a sacred universality to the human experience. It is my greatest privilege to walk alongside those who have been hearing the whispers of their own Soul calling them back home to the Truth of who they are.

My Ethos

We are Nature

As cyclical beings, we are meant to traverse the full range of our natural rhythms: death and decay, regression, stillness, rebirth, renewal and growth.

We are Wired for Connection

When we are born, we do not come in with a fully developed nervous system. We are entirely dependent on our attachment figures to soothe us.

The Body is a Portal for Healing, Transformation, and Awakening

As a collective we have lost connection with the body, thus the modern human is disconnected from our deepest source of Truth.

Our Patterns are Intelligent Adaptations

Our patterns are always rooted in the biological impulse to survive. There is a profound shift that occurs when we relate to our ways of being as wise.


We Are Nature

As cyclical beings, we are meant to traverse the full range of our natural rhythms: death and decay, regression, stillness, rebirth, renewal and growth. In a culture that valorizes the ascent and almost exclusively reveres progress and growth in a linear trajectory, we have understandably lost connection to the descent and the medicine and gifts within it. Nature knows that we cannot have Summer without Winter, we cannot have growth without rest, we cannot have renewal without disintegration. In reclaiming our place among the grass and the wildflowers, the moss and the reeds, the bears and the butterflies, the mountains and the seas, we find a deep reverence for ourselves and reclaim our vital life force. In remembering that we are not separate from Nature and in choosing to align ourselves with our inherent cycles, we become connected and see ourselves as part of the greater whole.

We are Wired for Connection

When we are born, we do not come in with a fully developed nervous system. We are entirely dependent on our attachment figures to soothe us in times of distress, as we do not yet have the biological capacity to move through a stress response alone. Through co-regulation, our parents lend us their nervous system so that we can move through distressing emotions and sensations and return to a settled, regulated state. When coregulation is not available to a child, a child’s system will remain “stuck on” in a sympathetic response or will collapse and remain “stuck off.” When our attachment figures are unable to meet our needs, a secure attachment is not developed. Our earliest experiences with our attachment figures lays the blueprint for our attachment patterns, thus affecting the way we respond in later relationships, particularly romantic partnerships.

The Body is a Portal for Healing, Transformation, and Awakening

As a collective we have lost connection with the body, thus the modern human is disconnected from our deepest source of Truth. We have forgotten that there is an alchemical process that transpires when we turn toward our internal landscape and bring conscious awareness to our somatic experience in the present moment. When we attend to that which has been unattended to, the energy that was previously stored in our tissue, muscles, and organs gets to move through and discharge. When we return to our natural rhythm of fluidity and coherence, we find a deep well of aliveness and vitality, our inner source of guidance and wisdom. In reclaiming the connection with our body, we rediscover the inner Knowing that cultural conditioning has taught us to source outside of ourselves.

Our Patterns are Intelligent Adaptations

What the conventional mental health paradigm calls “disorders” or what people label as “dysfunction” are in fact expressions of intelligent adaptations that often develop when we are young, vulnerable and dependent in an attempt to keep us safe and ultimately to keep us alive. Our patterns are always rooted in the biological impulse to survive. There is a profound shift that occurs when we move from relating to our ways of being – thoughts, feelings, behaviors – as a “problem” or “dysfunctional” to wise, protective responses. When we move from shaming to acceptance and ultimately gratitude and love, we allow these protective responses or protector parts to be integrated. Though our culture tells us that healing comes through suppression or annihilation, true healing happens through integration.

Breathing God

From Breathing as Spiritual Practice

By: Will Johnson

to merge with god
is to merge with everything
but instead, we feel isolated
alone in the world
even from our own body
whose sensations
we forget to feel

for most of us
most of the time
so tied up in thought as we are
the totality of our world
consists of the few cubic inches inside
our cranium

but god includes everything

to become one with god
is to expand into the felt wholeness
the holiness

to feel whole in yourself
is to feel the whole of your body
as a unified field
of tactile presence

to stay estranged from
god is to stay trapped inside
the claustrophobic confines of your head

if the felt body is the doorway
to the vastness of god
the discrepancy of scale
between living in your head or in your
is immense

i stay lost in thought
and I stay isolated
separate from everything

i bring the feeling presence of my body
and god enters me